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Supporting you to make a difference
We recognise that each individual is unique and has their own set of preferences, choices, and support requirements. We design personalised support for each individual in order to empower them to make their own decisions about their lives and the paths they choose. The most important goal we have at Angel Support Living is to ensure that your support is person-centered and responsive to your individual needs and qualities.
Our teams’ policies, training, and practices reinforce the idea that, regardless of your support needs, you have the same rights to life as everyone else.
Learning Disabilities
We assist individuals with a variety of learning difficulties, including mild, moderate, profound, and many. Additionally, those with mild physical disabilities, sensory and communication issues, and individuals with complicated health requirements are also includeded.
We take a person centred approach to support with each person’s plan developed in line with their specific needs, aims and aspirations.
With extensive knowledge, experience, and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the support team aims to increase structure for those who require it, help people develop independence and confidence by helping them learn effective coping strategies to reduce anxiety levels, and ensure sensory requirements are met and supported. Individual Pathways are embedded in our training and support approaches by adapting support to each person's needs and responding to how their autism is affecting them.
Behaviour That May Be Described as Challenging
It is something with which we have a great deal of experience: working with individuals who have complicated needs and who demonstrate problematic behaviour. Numerous of these individuals have been labelled as 'difficult to place,' either because they had previously been institutionalised or detained in a secure facility, or because they have failed previous placements. These individuals are now living in the community, and there has been a considerable and noticeable reduction in their negative behavior.
A big achievement in the recovery of our patients with brain injuries is their transition out of hospitals or treatment centres. Our service is designed expressly to provide tailored follow-up care and support to each unique client.
Personal care
Angel Support Living Ltd work in association with Angel Support (NEWHAM) Ltd who is registered with CQC. Individuals are assessed by a registered manager and our staffs are fully trained to provide personal care for individuals in need. Individuals can live in our supported housing and receive personal care at the same time.
Additional health needs
We have a significant amount of expertise working with individuals who have a range of mental health issues, such as Bipolar Disorder, Personality Disorders, Anxiety and Panic Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, substance misuse, dual diagnosis, early dementia and other conditions.
Our Services
Life skills & indepencence
- Dietary awareness
- Shopping & Cooking skill
- Cleaning & maintaining personal space
- Laundering & ironing
- Maintaining personal hygiene
- gaining access to leisure and educational resources
- 1:1 key working identifying goals
- Religious and cultural awareness
- Keeping in touch with loved ones
Assistance with benefits/bills
- Support with applying benefits
- Managing benefits
- Filling out forms etc
- Maintaining tenancies
- Ensuring rent and other bills, debts etc are paid
- Opening up a savings account
- Budgeting for food, clothing, recreation etc
Accessing professional help
- Accessing specialist drugs and counseling services
- Accessing training, education & employment opportunities
- Registering with GPs, Dentist, and Opticians etc
- Arranging and attending appointments
- Liaising with social workers, care co-ordinators and other representatives
- Health & Safety advice
- Monitoring physical health & diet
Referral Process
We provide as much or as little support as necessary for each of our clients, depending on their goals and how many of the skills they have already mastered. All of our support is tailored towards the individual and their Person -Centred Plan, which outlines what they would like to achieve with Angel Supported Living.
Our referral process is very simple. A member of the local authority wishing to place individuals in our services gets in touch with us. Our dedicated team will arrange and assessment face to face, gathering all the individual needs, completing a costing and support breakdown.
Following the assessment the assessor will inform the Social Worker or Care Co-Ordinator of the outcome.
Confirmation from the Social Worker/Care Co-Ordinator of approval for funding by relevant local authority or Health authority has been obtained.
The individual together with their Social Worker/Care Co-Ordinator will be invited to view the accommodation and the service.
Once in agreement with Angel Support Living Ltd, we will make the necessary arrangements for the individual to move within the project as smoothly as possible, including fully furnished accommodation.